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Writer's picturekarensunflowerhill

5 Creative DIY Artwork Ideas for Big Impact

Are you starting to collect original artwork but can only budget for small pieces at the present but need a big piece behind your sofa or you're staring at a large blank wall?

Why not create a large piece of artwork for now till you can afford what you want? You may even fall in love with what you create and keep it forever.

Happy Spring everyone! I know for some of you Spring still seems a long ways off, but Spring always comes with its budding trees and Spring flowers. So in the spirit of renewal and playing off of my March Blog on how to buy and hang artwork, let's talk about creating some of your own.

Most of us are DIYers to some degree and that's what we are going to cover in this blog. You want art, maybe you are starting to collect small original artwork but you need a large piece right now. Here are five ideas to inspire your creativity to do a piece in a very short time frame. If you read last month's blog you know the size and kind of art that you want on your walls. So if you don't know the size or what you think you would like in your artwork go back to March's blog and get started there. I discussed what size you need, researching the kind of art you would like, and how to hang it. There is also a free download (March's blog) if you would like to create a collage of art on your wall.

Idea 1:

Look for a large piece of framed artwork at a garage sale. Don't worry what the artwork is, all you're concerned about is a nice frame in good condition that you like and the canvas is in good shape. If possible remove the canvas and paint the background a color you like that

will work within your space. Then choose several other colors you have used in your room and do geometric shapes in those colors on the canvas. Make sure to repeat shapes and different sizes till you like what you see. You can even paint the frame in one of the colors to give it an updated look.

Idea 2:

Find a large frame you are in love with, if it has a canvas in it remove it. All you need is the frame.

Lay the frame on the floor and arrange your framed photos or small artwork you have been

collecting. Once you have an arrangement you like take a photo of the arrangement then transfer it all to the wall. You can paint or stain your large frame to match the smaller framed artwork you are using.

Idea 3:

Look for two or three large frames of the same size to fill the space. Paint three canvases that fit the frames and paint the background of each frame the same color that works in your space. After the paint is dry, take some wall spackling or any brand of artist modeling paste and using a trowel or old credit card and spread out a thin layer of the paste around the canvas. Leave two to three inches of the background color showing at the edges of the canvas and also account for framing. Once the texture has dried (overnight is best) paint each textured area of the canvas a color that work with the accent colors in your room. For example: paint your background a metallic gold and the textured area each a color you have used in your room.

Idea 4:

Using any of the framing ideas from above, Buy enough of a favorite fabric and stable it over 

the canvas and replace the canvas into the frame. Note if it's a light weight fabric you may want to paint the canvas white so the original painting does not show through the fabric.

Idea 5:

Remove the old canvas from the frame paint the canvas a background of white. It's best to decoupage over a light color since a dark color will change the decoupage papers color when it's adhered.

Use a decoupage paper that covers the entire canvas or if the paper is not large enough paint around the decoupage paper once it is dry to match the background of the decoupage paper. Decoupage papers can be ordered at Zazzle's website, Rocycled papers, or Esty. You can also check out the decoupage papers I carry on my website. If you have not decoupaged before you will need mat medium (art supplies) or ModPodge. I prefer the mat medium but the choice is yours. You may want to do a practice run first if you have not decoupaged before. Take a piece of cardboard and paint the cardboard then take an old magazine page or a piece of painted tissue paper. After the painted background is dry, apply the flat medium or ModPodge over the background. Apply your magazine paper by starting at the top edge and smoothing from the middle of the paper out to the edges of the canvas using a credit card or your hand. If you develop a wrinkle carefully lift the area and smooth down again. Watch for air bubbles and keep smoothing with your hand till all visible bubbles are out. Small wrinkles are not a big problem. Keep an eye on the decoupage paper to make sure bubbles or wrinkles are gone. Let dry overnight.

All of these techniques except the fabric one should be sealed. The easiest for a beginner is a spray sealer such as Krylon Clear Seal or Clear Coating. As for paints I use acrylics or you can use leftover chalk/mineral paint if you like.

Now hang your beautiful piece of art.


This month's freebie is a downloadable template that you can use to paint onto the below project. I painted it on top of the decoupage paper. Feel free to use it just as a coloring page or paint the sunflower onto a canvas for another art project.

Download this image by right-clicking on it and selecting save image.


This is all about some of the products I carry that you can also use to make your own artwork or any craft project. Woodubend moulds and trims are make from real wood but go through a process that once they are heated and still warm are bendable and can be applied to just about any surface. The decoupage papers and Woodubend trim

can be found on my website. There are notes on each picture in the demo you can stop to read if need be. It's pretty self explanatory. If you have any questions please leave a comment or message me on my Facebook page or my website both are found at Sunflower Hill Market.

Here is the demo I did for the decoupage background with a hand painted sunflower shown above.

Supply List of the products I used

This is just to inspire you to create wall art for your home.The Woodubend and Posh Chalk products I used can be found on my website. The button below will take you there if you want to check out any of the products. There are other decoupage papers and trims to choose from if you don't like what I chose. Here's a list of the products I used.

  1. 8x10" DaVinci Pro Panel Ultra-smooth gesso panel 2" thick. You can purchase different size cradled wood panels at Https://

  2. The decoupage paper I used is PCD010. I used Posh Chalk Infusor to adhere the decoupage paper but use what you like such as a poly-acrylic sealer or a decoupage product you prefer. Make sure to seal the top of the decoupage paper and completely dry before proceeding to the next step.

  3. The Woodubend trim I used is WUBTR720

  4. You'll need a brush or silicone scrapper to apply infuser and a brush or two for painting the sunflower. I used a flat brush for petals and leaves and a round for the stems.

  5. Acrylic Paints: I used Golden and some Nova Paints but feel free to use the colors and paints you like including any brand of Chalk/Mineral paints. Colors: Cad yellow medium Cad yellow light Indian yellow Carbon Black for toning down yellows or greens Phthalo Blue (green shade) mixed one of the yellows and the blue to make the greens. Lighten with white and darken using black or a red to tone the green down. Titanium White I painted the face of the cradled canvas white and letting it dry before applying the decoupage paper. Burnt Umber mixed with a little black and white to desire shadow shade.

  6. For the profile painting of trim and the profile I used DIY Paints by Debi Beard the base color is 2 coats of Prairie Gray and the top coat is Dark and Decepit ( it also seals so no further sealing is needed. Use what you have acrylics, chalk paint or stain the trim and profile if you desire.

  7. Craft knife or scissors to cut trim.

  8. Painters tape to protect the profile while painting the white paint on to the face of the cradled hardboard canvas.

  9. Hair dryer or heat gun to warm up trim. Note leave the trim in a roll till throughly heated so it bends easily. Note: a hair dryer will take longer to heat the trim. I used an electric griddle with a piece of foil on its' surface and placed the trim on it, with the temperature set between 200 and 300 degrees depending on your griddle. Turn to warm both sides. See the woodubend Guide you can download below for further information.

  10. Wood Glue. It must be wood glue such as Titebond or Gorilla Wood Glue. No PVA glues. Be sure to wipe off any glue to avoid extra sanding. You'll also need a little sand paper to sand the edges where the trim meets. Start the trim at the bottom middle on both edges so the seams will not show when the painting is hanging on the wall.

  11. Seal the sunflower and the decoupage paper with any top coat you like. I used DIY Paints Top Coat.

  12. The sunflower I painted on top of the decoupage paper is just an added detail and you do not have to do it. If you are happy with just the decoupage paper or if you choose another paper or add your own painted details. Make it your own creation.

  13. If you do want to paint the sunflower you will also need tracing paper.


Here's a free guide if you need further explanation on applying Woodubend moulds and trims.

Click below to download.

Tips, ,Books and Other Things:

Collectors Corner: Caring for and Displaying Art

Hang artwork outside of direct sunlight

Keep it clean by dusting with a soft cloth or soft brush. Do not use harsh chemicals or polish.

Keep it a safe distance from water.

Pay attention to temperature and humidity. Keep your art at standard room temperatures.

If you must store your artwork use acid free tissue between pieces and store in a cool, dry, place.

What I'm Working On:

I'm getting ready to take a couple of weeks away from my painting to work on some home projects. I'll be finishing up the front porch stencil painting and doing some layout plans for garden beds. My vegetable garden in the back has tomatoes and peppers in the early stages, and I'm hoping I got everything planted early enough that I have some harvests before it gets too hot and things stop blooming. Then I'm thinking it is time to look for my draperies that have been in my storage building and get some draperies hung in the dining area and the living room. It's hard to believe how long it has taken to pull this little cottage together. I guess we do slow down as we age, but that's okay things will get done.

Once I get back to my painting there will be more collage and mixed media and I'm still studying landscape painting but I'm not sure where it will lead. I'm all so thinking about planning some of my projects on paper for each month so that when I'm having a creative block I will have these idea sheets available to refer back to. I'm already creating a list of ideas while I'm in a creative mode. There has been many times that I have had a great idea and didn't write it down and the idea was gone from my memory by the next morning, so I'm starting to practice writing them down or at least making a voice recording on my phone so I will have the information available.

Here is looking forward to May. May is suppose to be one of our rainy months. Hopefully for where I live it means we get plenty of rain before our hot Summer begins. I hope you are looking forward to what May brings to your area of the world.

New on my Website:

Well my updated website should launch towards the end of May. I have sent my images and tweaked ideas with my tech guy. This update will make it easier to find items and information on my website. I have uploaded new original artwork on my website including The Ladies Series and three of them have sold already. There are still a few available along with some florals.

Inspirational Quote:

"The road to freedom is bordered with sunflowers".

(Martin Firrel)


Trouble and Truman


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